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Botanical name       : Curcuma langa L
Family                     : Zingiberaceae

Marphology             :
It is a Perennial rhizomatons lerb about 1 m tall.
Rhizome and root stock are bright yellow to orange coloured.
Leaves are large and bright green upper surface and
lower 30 – 60 cm long and 10 – 15cm broad oblong , a cuminate ,
 tapering at the petiole , both side are glabrous. Petioles are long,
about 20cm long , with a channel on the upper surface.

Climate and soil    :
Warm and humid condition are preferred. In the growing season moisture content is essential. Can be grown up to 1500 m.

Plant materials       :
Vegetative propagation is done by portions of rhigomes.

Time of planting    :
End of March or beginning April land preparation and planting. Earth should be till to   30 cm deep and break down the soil and cut pieces are planted 5 – 10 cm deep keeping a spacing between rows and 15-20 cm between the planges.

Fertilizer application    :

Artificial Fertilizer is needed for better harvest. Also organic   Fertilizers are used.

Weed Control          :
Weeding is done manually.

Harvesting     :
When leaves drayed and died  Harvesting is done.       


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