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Kiri Ala

In past time Kiri Ala was a traditional crop in home gardens
but now it ahas been come to a commercial crop. Kiri Ala is not
a seasonal crop. It can be grown under irrigation in any time.


Kiri Ala is a shade a preferred crop. Therefore this is planted under the coconut and banana cultivation in wet and intermediate zones. But in dry intermediate and wet zones can be grown as a mono crop or intercrop. Also this can be grown under the minimum supervision pest and diseases are very low.


This is produced high quality harvest. Harvest can be taken under the minimum supervision between 8-10 months.

Panting materials

Potions of rhizomes.


As a mono crop             -        1m×1m
As an inter crop             -        1.2m×1.2m


Holes should be prepared according to the following measurements.
          For light soil                  -        45×45×45cm
          For light clay soil -        60×60×60cm
After that whole should be filled with organic fertilizers and surface soil up to ½ height. After saplings
Should be planted in the holes. Coconut husk layer or any after mulching method should be applied in dry zones.

Fertilizer application

Urea kg/ha
Triple super phosphate kg/ha
Muriate of potash kg/ha
Before planting saplings
In 1st month
In 2nd  month
In3rd  month
In 4th  month

Weed control

Weeding should be done in the initial stage.

Pest and diseases control

When drainage is weak and clay level high of the soil roots rot can be occurred. Then leaves became to yellow colour and dead. Also crop can be damaged by Aphids. To control……..


When the yarns are matured leaves are decreased and leaves size became small. Also yarns come to the earth surface. Harvest is 16-18 ton/ha.


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