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In the ancient tine people consumed mushrooms that found from the environment. in recent time these are planted artificially. Because their taste and nutritional value and also its herbal value. In 1980 s mushroomproduction was commenced in srilanka. Mushroom can product under any climatic condition and any season of the year.


Saw dust, straw, cotton

Preparation of medium
When oyster mushroom is prepared, following materials are user, saw dust, Rice bran, Dolamite, calcium carbonate, Magnesium sulphate, soya powder, gypsum and water.
Firstly saw dust is separated from the large pieces of wood and get 100kg.after that rice bran 10kg, cotton 2kg, soya powder 500g, magnesium 200g and mix with water. The mixture should have enough moisture content. then this mixture is put into the polythene bags without having.
This polypropylene bag about 13” height. Then these bags are sterilized using the steamer. under 110 c – 115 c for 2 hours. if straw is used it is sterilized sunking for a ½ hour in the hot water.


1.Oyster mushroom- Pluerotus  ostreates this is the most common mushroom variety of srilanka. there are three types as American,Butan,and abaloni


sow dust can be used as the main growing medium,straw,cotton also can be used. Other materials are rice barn, dolomite caco3, mg504

*        preparation of the medium
*        preparing bags
*        sterilization
*        seeds injection
*        keep to grow fungs
*        open for harvest
Harvest      : 250-300g (from 1kg bag)

Seeds injection
seeds can be injected in anytime of the year. a spoon of seeds is applied to the sacks  under the sterilizer condition and close the sacks with the lids and keep one month in dark. then fungus grow as white color in the sack. After the sacks that grow the fungus well open . and they are packed on a rack one by one.
There should be a yard to keep these racks as protect the moisture. Therefore coconut leaves can be used as roofing materials.water is sprayed as a mist in the morning and afternoon.then between 1-2 weeksflowering is started. Moisture content of the sacks should becontrolled to avoid breeding the flies.

Harvest and harvesting

All sacks are not flowered in the same time. Harvest can be taken  after 3days of flowering, when harvesting is done bunch of  the mushroom should be removed completely.

Post harvesting

Stmes should be cut of hand clean the mushroom. They are packed in to 7”x13” polythene bags and deliver to the day kept underroom temperature and 3days in refregerator. Unless they should be dryed.

2.Milkey mushroom (Calocybe indica)


Straw or saw dust


*        Preparing bages
*        Sterilization
*        Seeds injection
*        Keep to grow fungus
*        Kasing (put a ½ “ layer a mixture of cowdung and soil 1:1)
*        Open for harvest


750g from 2kg bag


Lack of high quality seeds
Cost : Income

Lack of high quality seeds

3.Straw mushroom -: (Volvarilla volvacea)

Straw,cotton, compost medium which produced with
dryed banana leaves , waste materials.

*        Preparing compost
*        Seeds injection
*        Keep to grow fungus
*        Open for harvest


1kg for 5kg of medium
Cost-: income


Stroge problems
Lack of high quality seed


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